Webrooms Sync is the application that relays instructions and information between:
- Key Providers such Assa Abloy's VisiOnline application
- Property Management Systems such as Clarity or Oracle's Opera v5.5 / Cloud
- The Webrooms Portal.
Before installing Webrooms Sync, first identify which computer on your network this should be installed on. Needs depend on what exactly WebroomsSync will be communicating with. Please note you will need Administrative Access to the machine in order to set up Webrooms Sync.
- Windows (minimum version 7)
- .Net Framework 4.8 installed
- A dedicated instance of MS SQL Express:
- On Windows 11 or higher, please install an instance of MS SQL Express 2022 as described here
- On Windows 10, please install an instance of MS SQL Express 2019 as described here
- On Windows 8, please install an instance of MS SQL Express 2017 as described here
- On Windows 7, please install an instance of MS SQL Express 2014 as described here
- Webrooms will need to be connected to the internet; specifically we will be connecting to URLs with the following bases through Port 443:
- If WebroomsSync is communicating with Assa Abloy's VisiOnline or Salto's Pro Access Space it will need to be on the same Network as Assa Abloy's VisiOnline computer
- If WebroomsSync is communicating with Oracle Opera On Premise it will need:
- The Opera Kiosk Web Services (OWS_KSK) to be installed with all the messages enabled for
1. All messages on the Information Node (/OWS_WS_51/Information.asmx)
2. All messages on the Name Node (/OWS_WS_51/Name.asmx)
3. All messages on the Reservation Node (/OWS_WS_51/Reservation.asmx)
4. All messages on the ResvAdvanced Node (/OWS_WS_51/ResvAdvanced.asmx) - The Opera Kiosk Web Services will need to accessible WebroomsSync via the network
- The Opera Kiosk Web Services (OWS_KSK) to be installed with all the messages enabled for
- If you are using Oracle Cloud it will also need to access the Oracle Cloud URL you are using.
WebroomsSync operations run as a service so you no longer need a user to be logged in order to make keys or sync with the PMS
For Key Integration please make sure you:
- Know your Key Provider Login Credentials, the address of the server and the Account you are using
- Are able to log in to Webrooms and have set your Key provider and have your Property ID and Password for communications from the Connections tab in Webrooms:
Download and then run the Webrooms Sync App Installer from here. Follow the install procedure with all settings as default. Launch the application on completion of installation.
First Launch
When you first run the Webrooms Sync App, you will see the following screen:
Test Database Settings
Click Test Database. If this fails, contact GuestTraction support who will need remote access to this machine to run some scripts to set this up for the first time.
Add and Confirm Internet Settings
- If your network uses a proxy server add the details in here and click "Test Web Connection"
- You should receive a message which says "Success; saving credentials". This will be followed by confirmation that these credentials have been saved.
- If there is an error, please check that your computer is connected to the internet, your proxy details are as you can see them in this tab, and try again.
Once the database and internet connections have been established, please proceed to the Webrooms Settings.
Add and Confirm Webrooms Credentials
Click Add New to bring up the dialog box below:
- Write in your Webrooms Property ID and Updates Password and click Verify Webrooms Credentials.
- You should receive a message which says "Success; saving credentials". This will be followed by confirmation that these credentials have been saved.
- If there is an error, please check that your computer is connected to the internet, your credentials are as you can see them in the Webrooms Connections tab, and try again.
- If problems persist please contact GuestTraction Support.
Add and Confirm Key Provider Credentials
- If you are using a Key Provider and want to enable Keyless Entry, add your Key Provider details into the Key Provider Authentication section and click Verify Key Provider Credentials.
- You should receive a message which says "Success; saving credentials". This will be followed by confirmation that these credentials have been saved.
- If there is an error, please check that your Key Provider Software is running at the address specified, your credentials are the same as the ones you use to log on to your Key Provider, and try again.
- If problems persist please contact GuestTraction Support.
Add and Confirm PMS Credentials
- If you want to enable Online Check-In, add the Property Management System Provider Authentication section and click Verify PMS Credentials.
- You should receive a message which says "Success; saving credentials". This will be followed by confirmation that these credentials have been saved.
- If there is an error, please check that your PMS is available at the URL specified, your credentials are the same as the ones provided by your PMS for this purpose, and try again.
- If problems persist please contact GuestTraction Support.
Send Key Door Configuration to Server
- If you are using a Key Provider and have communication established, it is time to ensure your Key Provider rooms match those in Webrooms. Click Send Door Configuration to Server.
- You should received a message which says "Door Configuration successfully uploaded to Server."
- If there is an error, please confirm that your credentials are correct for both Webrooms and your Key Provider, and that you have rooms set up within your Key Provider software, and try again.
- If problems persist please contact GuestTraction Support.
Send PMS Room Configuration to Server
- If you are using a PMS and have communication with this established, it is time to ensure your PMS rooms match those in Webrooms. Click Send Room Configuration to Server.
- You should received a message which says "Room Configuration successfully uploaded to Server."
- If there is an error, please confirm that your credentials are correct for both Webrooms and your PMS, and that you have rooms set up in your PMS, and try again.
- If problems persist please contact GuestTraction Support.
Minimise the application
The WebroomsSync UI is a front end to three Windows Services:
- WebroomsSyncApp.exe
- WebroomsSyncBookingSync.exe
- WebroomsSyncJITSync.exe
These Windows Services needs to be running at all times to ensure that Guest Mobile Keys are created and removed as they are required, and bookings are synced between Webrooms and your PMS, so please keep these services running (they will start automatically on startup without needing to be logged in, and do not require the front end program to be running at the same time).
If you minimise the front end application, and it will disappear into the system tray (usually in the bottom right hand corner of the screen).
If you encounter problems with anything regarding this, please contact GuestTraction Support. Our support details are also available on the support tab of the application.