Siteminder is experiencing a problem with delivering bookings to all PMS systems, this issue is not just related to Webrooms. This problem is currently being investigated by Siteminder support urgently who will hopefully get this fixed soon. In the meantime we suggest you manually add any bookings that has not dropped in to your PMS to avoid double bookings. Once the issue has been fixed and bookings drop in you will need to delete any duplicates.
We have been advised by Siteminder support that this is an intermittent issue therefore the bookings will eventually drop in but there is delays (approximately 30 minutes or more). Delays will be more noticeable during peak times (Approx 13:00 - 16:30 AEST). Siteminder support is continuing to work on this to resolve the issue completely.
Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
UPDATE: This has been resolved.