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Keyless Entry Overview

Keyless Entry allows issuing of door keys to a guest's mobile device. For the best guest and front desk experience, it is important that this is configured correctly, and the key issuing process is well understood by staff.

Please follow the linked articles for more detail on each concept.


It is assumed you already have a Webrooms profile and pre-configured GuestFolder app. Contact us for assistance with this if necessary.


There are various concepts which must be known in order for a key to be issued. This order in which this information can be gathered may vary a little, but it all must be gathered before a key is issued.

Issuing Keys

Managing and revoking existing keys

This article explains editing of revoking keys as follows:

  • Property wide mobile keys can be viewed and managed
  • Booking specific mobile keys can be viewed and managed
  • Key expiry dates may be modified to trigger an immediate expiry (revokation), or to extend the current expiry as necessary.

Guest Key Usage



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