Availability - how many of a particular room is available on a particular day
Base rate - price of the room
Max guests at base rate - max number of guests allowed at the base rate
Extra adult rate, extra child rate, extra infants req. cot rate, extra infants not req. cot rate - extra costs above base rate if max guests at base rate is exceeded
Single rate - special rate for a single person booking only
Allow single rate - enable or disable showing single rate to customer, use "y"
Minimum/maximum stay - set minimum time that guests can book for and maximum time
Unconfirmables - guests can book but will be sent an email stating booking is unconfirmed and that a call will be made by the accommodation provider to the guests, use "y"
Unbookables - guests unable to book whatever is set as unbookable, unbookables is subtracted from total inventory available
Stop sell - All blanked out, no availability, use "y"
Closed to arrival/departure - guests not allowed to arrive or depart on particular dates
Inclusions - what is included in the room/base rate (description can be 160 characters) e.g TV, Free WFI
Not available text - text (8 characters) that is shown when room is not available e.g. N/A, BOOKED