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Making a booking in Webrooms

There are several ways to obtain a booking in Webrooms:

  1. The Webrooms booking system (or app) is used by or on behalf of the guest
  2. The booking is created manually via Webrooms Admin
  3. The booking is imported from a connected system, such as a channel manager or PMS

Finding existing bookings

The easiest way to find bookings is to use the "Search.." button on the Booking History page in Webrooms.

Making a booking on behalf of a guest

The public booking engine is available for use via the "Booking Engine" tab. Follow the steps to completion of the booking. Note that the email address provided for the guest will receive a confirmation email, and a valid credit card is usually required.

Creating a booking manually

Manual booking creation allows greater flexibility around availability, rates and guest communication.

  1. Visit Booking History, and click "Create new booking..."

  2. You are given the option to find an existing guest, or create a new one. Do so. Note it is important that the guest email address used is the same address the guest will use to log in to the mobile app for keyless entry.

  3. After selecting or creating a guest, Select the room type, check in date, and number of nights.

    To quickly add the room night for one guest at default rates, click "Quick Add" (1).

    To add the room night with custom rates, click "Edit..." (2)

    Current public availability and rates for the selected room type are displayed for your reference. 

    You may specify a Room Code at this stage; doing so will automatically select the associated Room Type (if there is one), and allocate the guest to the room. You can add more rooms later if necessary.

  4. If you chose (2) Edit above, rates and guest numbers may be edited as required. 

  5. If you wish to update the payment method, any comments as needed, and add any cards as desired, use the "Add details" button. Otherwise, just unsure the Communications options are set appropriately for your situation, and Save.

  6. Once saved, the completed booking details will open, allowing allocation of further guest and keys. 


Imported bookings

Imported bookings will appear automatically via Booking History. The details of the booking including source, name and reference number are available. Click the "View" button in Booking History for full details.

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